Sunday, November 17, 2019

New coloring book story out now! Snippy Loses a Shoe!

I've had the story for a while in my head. I have been thinking of writing my horse, Snippy, into a story. I mean his mom is a cover model on a chapter book, Emma & the Yellow Mare, and his half-brother is the muse for that same chapter book.

Snippy wanted his own story, so he became a children's book. Snippy Loses a Shoe came quickly to me. The premise: Snippy loses a shoe and his barn friends try to find his missing shoe. They bring back items they think are shoes.

I am going to make a picture book but right now, I'm learning how to color on the computer. I'm using Krita (with the help of my husband). So far, I'm not doing well. But at least the coloring book is a go!

I had a book event yesterday and I had 2 books on hand. Both sold. The kids seemed really excited to have a coloring book with a story.

I will keep everyone posted on how the picture book process is going!

Write on, everyone!

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